
顺德区 2年前 (2022) xianyu
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本招标项目佛山一中顺德学校建设工程全过程设计国际招标已由相关部门      批准建设, 项目业主为 佛山市顺德区教育局 ,建设资金来自财政资金,项目出资比例为100%,招标人为 佛山市顺德区工程建设中心 。项目已具备招标条件,现进行公开招标,特邀请有意向的潜在申请人(以下简称申请人)提出资格预审申请。




2.1.2 项目建设规模:佛山一中顺德学校为市属公办学校,办学层次为完全中学,办学规模为 102 个教学班(学位 5100 个),其中初中学段 30 个教学班(学位 1500 个),高中学段 72 个教学班(学位 3600 个)。项目总建筑面积约163521平方米,项目总投资约10亿元,其中建安费约8.8亿元。

2.1.3务周期 8个月


2.1.4 招标范围:本招标工程共分1个标段。包含佛山一中顺德学校建设工程全过程设计国际招标范围内内容,包括但不限于方案设计及方案深化设计(含投资估算)、初步设计(含初步设计概算)、施工图设计、施工配合、竣工验收等涉及本项目的一切设计及设计服务工作。详见设计任务书。

2.3 本工程招标控制价为:人民币 1770万 ,最终以发出的招标文件为准。
















3.3.2需提供申请人近期(扣除发布资格预审公告当月往前顺推 6 个月,即 2022 年 4 月至 2022 年 9 月)为拟派项目负责人缴纳社保资金的有效的社保证明材料。以申请人(或其分支机构)所属当地社保管理部门出具的证明材料的原件的扫描件或复印件为准。



3.4.1 没有处于被责令停业,财产被接管、冻结,破产状态。

3.4.2 没有受到取消投标资格的行政处罚(在处罚期内)。(此处所指的“处罚”,是指依据《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》作出的有关取消投标资格的行政处罚,且该行政处罚信息已按照行政执法公示制度公开,除此之外,其他以通知、通报等形式或依据规范性文件对申请人投标资格作出的限制,不属于此处所指的“处罚”范畴)

3.4.3 在最近三年内没有骗取中标和严重违约及重大工程质量问题或重大安全生产事故。(此处“骗取中标”是指依据《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》所作出的《行政处罚决定书》中所认定的违法行为;“严重违约及重大工程质量问题或重大安全生产事故”则以司法、仲裁机构等出具的生效文件予以认定,其中的“重大”工程质量问题或“重大”安全生产事故,是指生效文件认定的“重大”事故等级达到《关于做好房屋建筑和市政基础设施工程质量事故报告和调查处理工作的通知》和《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》的标准;“最近三年”是指该项目资格预审公告发出之日起往前顺推三年,以《行政处罚决定书》或司法、仲裁机构等出具的生效文件的落款时间为准)

3.4.4 根据佛山市中级人民法院《启用执行联动机制决定书》和《协助执行通知书》的要求,申请人若为名单上的失信被执行人,不得参加本工程项目投标。

3.4.5 根据《佛山市发展和改革局等8部门关于在公共资源交易事项中进行信用信息查询和实施联合奖惩的通知》(佛发改信用〔2019〕1号),对被佛山市公共信用信息管理系统列入失信名单的申请人,不得参加投标。









5.1凡有意参加资格预审的申请人,可于2022 10 31日至递交资格预审申请文件截止时间前(北京时间)在佛山市公共资源交易网(网址:下载电子版资格预审文件及相关资料(如有)

5.2 资格预审文件费用为每套人民币 500 元,在递交概念提案暗标文件当天收取。

5.3 资格预审文件一经在佛山市公共资源交易网发布,视作已发放给所有申请人,各申请人应及时下载电子版资格预审文件及相关资料(如有)(供下载的资格预审文件有PDF和WORD版本时,若有不一致,以招标人盖章的PDF版本资格预审文件为准)。否则所造成的一切后果由申请人自负。



6.1.1概念提案暗标文件递交时间为2022年1123日上午8 30分至1200分;下午1400分至1600分(北京时间),递交地点为佛山市顺德区大良街道新城区观绿路4号恒实置业广场1号楼裙楼顺德区公共资源交易中心2楼窗口(具体以现场指引为准)


6.2 递交概念提案暗标文件的起止时间是否有变化,请密切留意招标澄清(答疑)、补充、修改等文件中的相关信息。

6.3 逾期送达的、未送达指定地点的或不按照资格预审文件要求密封的概念提案暗标文件或资格性审查申请文件,招标人不予接收。




8. 其他

8.1 因本招标项目招标人没有潜在申请人的联系信息,任何关于本次招标项目资格预审文件的修改、澄清或补充通知等,均统一在“佛山市公共资源交易中心”发布,且一经发布即视为已告知所有申请人。敬请申请人自行留意查看并及时作出调整。

8.2 本公告由招标人负责解释,招标人保留变更、修改的权利。




地  址:佛山市顺德区


联 系 人:曾工、戴科

电  话:+86-0757-22836885、+086-0757-22836879



地 址:佛山市禅城区岭南大道北129号中区1座23层(即碧桂园城市花园中区1座23层)



电 话:+86-0757-83939027

传 真:+86-0757-83939018

电子邮箱:[email protected]
















Chapter I. Prequalification Notice


International Tender for Design Service Throughout Construction of Shunde Campus of Foshan No.1 High School Prequalification Announcement (Tendering Notice)


 I. General conditions of tender

International Tender for Design Service Throughout Construction of Shunde Campus of Foshan No.1 High School has been approved by relevant departments for construction. The project owner is Foshan Shunde District Education Bureau. The construction funds come from fiscal funds, and the proportion of the project investment is 100%. The tenderee is Construction Project Center of Shunde District, Foshan City. The project has met the general conditions of  tender,  and     is now open to public bidding. The prospective interested applicants (hereinafter referred to as the applicants) are hereby invited to apply for prequalification.


II. Project overview and the scope of tender

2.1 Project overview and the scope of tender

i.)Construction site: Shunde District, Foshan City


ii.)Project construction scale:

Shunde campus of Foshan No.1 High School is a municipal public school combining junior high school and senior high school, with 102 classes (5,100 seats), including 30 classes of junior high school (1,500 seats) and 72 classes of  senior high school (3,600 seats). The total construction  area of the project is about 163,521 square meters, with a total investment of  about 1 billion yuan, of which the construction and installation cost is about 880 million yuan.

iii.)Service period: months.

The service period is estimated, while the actual service period shall be subject to the time confirmed by the contract awarding party.

iv.)The scope of tender: the tender scope includes but is not limited to schematic design  and design development (including investment estimation), preliminary design (including preliminary design budget estimate), construction drawing design, construction coordination, and completion acceptance. See the Design Brief for the details.

2.2 The controlled tender price of the project is 17.70 million yuan, which shall be subject to the tender documents issued ultimately.

2.3 Quality requirements: it shall meet the requirements of  the design throughout the project, conform   to the requirements of construction standards such as project approval documents, urban and rural planning and professional planning, mandatory standards of engineering construction and national requirements on the design depth of  construction projects, pass the expert panel review organized by  the competent department or the contract awarding party and obtain the approval of the competent department of the industry.


III. Applicant qualification requirements

(submitted by the applicants that have passed the conceptual proposal review)

3.1 Domestic and foreign entities are both allowed to participate in the prequalification of the project.

i.)Domestic entities shall meet the following qualification requirements:

①  With the independent legal person status and has obtained the business license according to law, and the business license is valid.

With the  Grade  A  certificate  of  comprehensive  engineering  design  or  Grade  A  certificate  of engineering design and construction industry or Grade A certificate of engineering design and construction industry (construction engineering) issued by the competent department of  construction.  (In the case of  a consortium applicant, if the consortium member organization only undertakes the task  of scheme design, then the member organization may be exempted from the requirements of design qualification mentioned above.)

Note: the validity period of the above qualification certificates shall be extended in accordance with the provisions of the notice of the general office of the ministry of housing


and urban-rural development on the unified extension of the qualification of construction engineering enterprises (JBSH 2021 No. 510 Document) to be consistent with such provisions.

ii.)Entities outside Chinese mainland (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) shall meet the following qualification requirements:

① shall be a member recommended by the architectural design industry association or organization in the country or region.

②  shall form a consortium with a domestic entity of  China to participate in the prequalification, with the domestic entity of China as the consortium leader. This project does not  accept  overseas entities to participate in the prequalification alone.


3.2 The prequalification application from a consortium is accepted.

i.)There shall be no more than two members in the consortium.

ii.)A consortium agreement shall be submitted when the consortium signs up, and the consortium leader shall be specified in the agreement. The member of one consortium can only establish partnership with one leading entity. Both members of the consortium shall sign the Consortium Agreement, which shall specify the division of duties and responsibilities (scheme design, preliminary design and construction drawing design) among the members. After signing the Consortium Agreement, each member of the consortium shall not sign up separately in its own name, nor form a new consortium or participate in the sign-up of another consortium, otherwise the application shall be invalid.


3.3 Requirements for the project leader to be assigned: (in the event of a consortium applicant, the project leader shall be assigned by the consortium leader)

i.)The project leader shall have the Class 1 Registered Architect certificate issued by the Ministry      of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.

ii.)Effective social insurance evidentiary materials for the recent payment of  social insurance by   the applicant for the project leader to be assigned (for the six months ahead of the month when the prequalification notice was released, with the said month excluded, that is, from April to September,   2022) shall be provided. The scanned copy or photocopy of the original certificate issued by the local social insurance administrative department of the applicant (or its branch) shall prevail.


Note: The applicant may be unable to provide the social insurance payment evidence of a certain period since the applicant can only get the social insurance  payment  data  dating back 2 months before the release date due to the different local provisions on the query


of social insurance payment. If the applicant provides the corresponding social insurance management document issued by the government department, the requirement on social insurance payment data may be adjusted according to the local requirements, otherwise, it shall not be accepted.


3.4 Credit requirements for the applicants (in the case of a consortium applicant, both members of the consortium shall meet such requirements)

i.)Shall not be in the conditions such as being ordered to suspend business, the property being taken over or frozen, or going bankrupt.

ii.)Shall be free of the administrative penalty of canceled bidding qualification (within the penalty period). (The “penalty” mentioned here refers to the administrative penalty of canceled bidding qualification delivered according to the Administrative Penalties Law Of The People’s Republic Of China, and the information of such administrative penalty has been made public in accordance with the publicity system of the administrative law. Beyond that, any other restriction delivered on the applicants bidding qualification in such forms as notification or announcement or according to the normative documents shall be excluded from the category of “penalty” referred to here).

iii.)Shall be free of any winning of a bid by fraud, serious breach of contracts, major engineering quality  problems,  or  major  production  safety  accidents  in  the  last  three  years.  (Here,  winning  a  bid by fraud” refers to the illegal act identified in the Written Decision On Administrative Penalty delivered in  accordance  with  the  Administrative Penalties Law Of The Peoples Republic Of China;  serious  breach of  contracts  and  major  engineering  quality  problems  or  major  production  safety  accidents  shall  be determined by the effective documents issued by the judicial and arbitration institutions. Among them, the  major  engineering  quality  problems  or  “major  production  safety  accidents  means  that  the  level of  “major  accidents”  identified  in  the  effective  documents  has  reached  the  standards  of  the  Notice On

Reporting And Investigation Of Housing Construction And Municipal Infrastructure Engineering Quality Accidents and  Regulations On Production Safety Accident Reporting, Investigation And Handling;  “the  last  three  yearsrefers to the three years ahead of the prequalification notice date of the project, which shall be subject

to the signing time of the Written Decision On Administrative Penalty or the effective documents issued by

judicial and arbitration institutions)

iv.)According to the requirements of the Decision On Starting The Execution Linkage Mechanism and the  Notice To Assist In Enforcement  issued  by  the  Foshan  Intermediate  Peoples  Court,  if  an  applicant  is listed as a defaulter, the applicant shall not participate in the bidding of the project.

v.)According to the Notice Of Eight Departments Including Foshan Municipal Development And Reform Bureau On Credit Information Inquiry And The Implementation Of Joint Rewards And Punishments In Public Resources Trading (FFGXY 2019 no. 1 Document), the applicants that are listed as defaulters by Foshan

municipal  public  credit  information  management  system  shall  not  participate  in  the  bidding  of  the


vi.)According to the Notice Of Housing, Urban-Rural Construction And Water Resources Bureau Of Shunde District, Foshan City On Further Strengthening The Integrity Discipline Of The Construction Industry (SZJF


2020 no.30 Document), the blacklisted enterprises and individuals shall not participate in the bidding of the project.

3.5 The  applicants  performance  requirements  (In  the  case  of  a  consortium  applicant,  the  performance information can be provided by one member)

From January 1, 2019 to the submission deadline of  qualification  application  documents  (subject  to the date of scheme design approval or preliminary design approval or construction drawing review opinions), the applicant shall have undertaken and completed at least one housing architectural design (or survey and design) performance with an investment  (or construction and installation costs) of  not less than RMB 500 million Yuan  or with a total construction area of  not less than 130,000 square meters   in China.



i.)The applicant shall provide:

① A copy of the contract or bid-winning notification.

② A copy of approval documents of scheme design or preliminary design, or a copy of construction drawing review opinions.

ii.)If the above evidentiary materials cannot clearly reflect the relevant characteristics

and necessary information, the owners  evidentiary information concerning the performance

of the project shall also be provided (which shall reflect the relevant characteristics and necessary information).


IV. Prequalification method

A limited quantity system is adopted in the current prequalification.


V. Acquisition of prequalification documents

5.1 Applicants that intend to participate  in  the  prequalification  may  download  the  electronic  edition of prequalification documents and relevant data (if any) from the Foshan Municipal Public Resource Trading Website (at from October 31, 2022 to the submission deadline of the prequalification application documents (Beijing time).

5.2 Once being released on the Foshan Municipal Public Resource Trading Website, the prequalification documents shall be  deemed to  have been issued to  all  applicants. Each applicant shall download  the electronic edition of prequalification documents and relevant data (if any) in time (where any inconsistency may arise between the PDF and WORD editions of prequalification documents available


for downloading, the PDF edition attached with the seal of the tenderee shall prevail). Otherwise, the applicant shall assume responsibilities for all consequences caused hereby.


VI. Submission of prequalification application  documents

6.1 Submission of the closed bid documents of conceptual proposal

The closed bid documents of conceptual proposal shall be submitted on November 23, 2022 at 8:30- 12:00 am; or 14:00-16:00 pm (Beijing time) and submitted to the window of the 2nd floor of Shunde District Public Resources Trading Center at the annex building of  No. 1 Building, Hengshi Real Estate Plaza, No. 4 Guanlu Road, Daliang Sub-district, Shunde District, Foshan  City  (subject  to  the  on-site  sign).


6.2 The submission time and place of prequalification application documents shall be subject to the requirements of the submission notification of prequalification application documents (the submission time shall be at least ten days after the issuing date of the notification).


6.3 Whether there is any change in the submission deadline of the closed bid documents of conceptual proposal, please pay close attention to the relevant information in the clarification (explanation), supplement, or modification documents.


6.4 The tenderee shall reject the closed bid documents of conceptual proposal or prequalification application documents that are delivered late, or that are not delivered to the designated place, or that are not sealed according to the relevant requirements.


Note: The authorized agent of the applicant to submit the documents shall  wear  a  facial mask and show a green “Canton Health Code” and voluntarily follow the instructions of    the staff at the site in submitting the prequalification application documents, and leave the site immediately after the documents are submitted. The pandemic prevention and control measures shall be adjusted dynamically according to the situational change, and the latest measures and regulations shall be observed. Therefore, please pay close attention to the latest notice issued by the local trading department or disease control department.


VII. The media for the release of the notice

The prequalification notice will be released at the same time in the Guangdong Province Bidding Supervision Website, the Foshan Municipal Public Resources Trading Website, and the Foshan Shunde District Public Resources Trading Center Website. Where any inconsistency may arise in terms of content and time of the notice, the notice issued by the Foshan Public Resources Trading Website shall prevail.



VIII. Miscellaneous provisions

8.1 Since the tenderee of the project has no contact information of potential applicants, any modification, clarification or supplemental notice of the prequalification documents of the project shall  be  uniformly  released  in  “Foshan  Public  Resources  Trading  Center,  and  shall  be  deemed  to  have informed all applicants once the notice is released. Please pay close attention to the latest notice and make timely adjustments.

8.2 The tenderee shall reserve the right to interpret, change or modify the notice.

8.3 The evaluation and determination of the bid shall be separated in the project.



IX. Contact information


Tenderee: Construction Project Center of Shunde District, Foshan City

Address: Shunde District, Foshan City Zip Code: 528300

Contact person: Engineer Zeng, Chief Dai Tel.: +086-0757-22836885


Agency: Shenzhen International Tendering Co., Ltd.

Address: Floor 23, Block 1, Central  Area,  No. 129 North Lingnan Avenue, Chancheng District, Foshan City (namely, Floor 23, Block 1, Central Area of Country Garden City Garden)

Zip Code: 528000

Contact person: Engineer Qi Tel.: +086-0757-83939027

Fax:  +086-0757-83939018

Email: [email protected]


Bidding Supervision Department:

Government Service Data Administration Bureau Of Shunde District, Foshan City





Address: Trading Supervision Section, 3rd Floor, Eastern Block, Administrative Service Center, Demin Road, Daliang Sub-District, Shunde District, Foshan City

Zip Code: 528000


Mm/Dd, 2022





版权声明:xianyu 发表于 2022-11-01 9:28:41。
转载请注明:佛山一中顺德学校建设工程全过程设计国际招标 | 123热导航

